
Owners of IBM.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

INDX Exchange distributed dividends issued on the IBM.SER instrument (International Business Machines Corporation).

The dividends of the amount of 0.0010 WMZ per note were paid to the traders who had the IBM.SER instrument in their portfolio as of November 10, 2020.

Invest in the acquisition of the IBM.SER notes and notes of other instruments at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


Owners of INTC.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the INTC.SER (Intel Corporation) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange.

Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on November 7, 2020, received a profit of 0,0021 WMZ per note.

Every participant of the WebMoney system can invest their free funds in notes at INDX Exchange. Select instruments secured by shares in Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, Adobe, Oracle, IBM and other globally recognized names.


Spark Airdrop for XRP.ECU note instrument holders on the INDX exchange

The INDX Internet Exchange will support Spark (FLR) for holders of XRP.ECU note instruments. The balance snapshot  will be taken on December 12, 2020 at 11:00 (GMT+3).

XRP deposits/withdrawals on the exchange will be temporarily suspended on December 11, 2020 at 23:00 (GMT+3) and resumed after the snapshot.


• Balances less than 10 XRP.ECU notes will not be eligible for the airdrop.

• Unconfirmed XRP.ECU deposits/withdrawals will not be counted at the time of the snapshot.

Please note that INDX's participation in the airdrop does not mean that Spark will be automatically added to the exchange’s listing. Information about SPARK accrual will be provided separately.


Owners of AAPL.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the AAPL.SER (Apple Inc.) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange. Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on November 9, 2020, received a profit of 0,0036 WMZ per note.

Invest in the AAPL.SER notes at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


Owners of AAPL.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the AAPL.SER (Apple Inc.) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange. Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on November 9, 2020, received a profit of 0,0036 WMZ per note.

Invest in the AAPL.SER notes at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


Owners of TATN.SER notes received dividends at INDX Exсhange

The holders of notes of the TATN.SER instrument at INDX Exchange received dividends based on the results of the work of PJSC Tatneft for 6 months of 2020. Traders with the TATN.SER instrument in their portfolio as of September 30, 2020, received a profit of 0.0095 WMZ per note.

The purchase of notes secured by shares of oil companies is one of the most profitable and secure investments. You can buy notes of different instruments and start accumulating profit right now at INDX Exchange.


Owners of HYDR.SER notes received dividends at INDX Exchange

The holders of notes of the HYDR.SER (RusHydro) instrument at INDX Exchange received dividends based on results of 2019. Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on September 30, 2020, received a profit of 0,0003 WMZ per note.

RusHydro is one of Russia's largest power generating companies. Invest in the HYDR.SER notes at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


Payment of dividends on ORCL.SER instrument at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the ORCL.SER (ORACLE Corporation) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange. Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on October 8, 2020, received a profit of 0,0015 WMZ per note.

Every participant of the WebMoney Transfer system can invest their free funds in notes at INDX Exchange. Select instruments secured by shares in Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, Adobe, Oracle, IBM and other globally recognized names.


Announcement on the recent hard fork in Bitcoin Cash

There was a hard fork in the Bitcoin Cash network.

We inform you about the support by the Guarantor of the Bitcoin Cash Node chain. The WMH title units and notes of the BCH.ECU instrument at INDX Exchange remain backed by Bitcoin Cash Node.

Bitcoin Cash Node coins retain the name Bitcoin Cash and the ticker BCH.

Deposit/withdrawal of WMH and BCH.ECU has been resumed.


Owners of CSCO.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the CSCO.SER (CISCO SYSTEMS Inc.) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange. Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on October 2, 2020, received a profit of 0.0023 WMZ per note.

At INDX Exchange you can always buy notes of various trading instruments to receive regular income. To recall, INDX Exchange does not charge transaction fees and a service fee on trading accounts.


Suspending Bitcoin Cash deposits and withdrawals

To remind, on November 15, 2020 Bitcoin Cash will undergo a hard fork

As a result, the deposit and withdrawal of WMH title units and notes of the BCH.ECU instrument will be suspended on the INDX Exchange from 12:00 (GMT) on November 14, 2020, until further notice.

If a hard fork does occur, the Guarantor will only support the more dominant chain.





Announcement on the upcoming fork in Bitcoin Cash on Nov 15, 2020

On November 15, 2020 Bitcoin Cash will undergo a hard fork

As a result, the deposit and withdrawal of WMH title units and notes of the BCH.ECU instrument will be suspended on the INDX Exchange from 12:00 (GMT) on November 14, 2020, until further notice.

If a hard fork does occur, the Guarantor will only support the more dominant chain.


Owners of NLOK.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the NLOK.SER instrument (NortonLifeLock Inc) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange. The dividends of the amount of 0,0008 WMZ per note were paid to the traders who had the NLOK.SER instrument in their portfolio as of August 24, 2020.

At INDX Exchange you can always buy notes of various trading instruments to receive regular income. To recall, INDX Exchange does not charge transaction fees and a service fee on trading accounts.


Owners of MSFT.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the MSFT.SER (Microsoft Corporation) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange. Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on August 20, 2020, received a profit of 0.0032 WMZ per note.

At INDX Exchange you can always buy notes of various trading instruments to receive regular income. To recall, INDX Exchange does not charge transaction fees and a service fee on trading accounts.


Owners of IBM.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

INDX Exchange distributed dividends issued on the IBM.SER instrument (International Business Machines Corporation).

The dividends of the amount of 0.0010 WMZ per note were paid to the traders who had the IBM.SER instrument in their portfolio as of August 10, 2020.

Invest in the acquisition of the IBM.SER notes and notes of other instruments at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


Owners of AAPL.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the AAPL.SER (Apple Inc.) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange. Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on August 10, 2020, received a profit of 0,0036 WMZ per note.

Invest in the AAPL.SER notes at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


Owners of INTC.SER instrument received dividends at INDX Exchange

Dividends on the INTC.SER (Intel Corporation) instrument have been accrued at INDX Exchange.

Traders who had this instrument in their portfolio on August 7, 2020, received a profit of 0,0021 WMZ per note.

Every participant of the WebMoney system can invest their free funds in notes at INDX Exchange. Select instruments secured by shares in Microsoft, Amazon, Cisco, Adobe, Oracle, IBM and other globally recognized names.


Owners of SNGS.SER notes received dividends at INDX Exchange

The holders of notes of the SNGS.SER (Surgutneftegas) instrument at INDX Exchange received dividends based on results of 2019. Traders with the SNGS.SER instrument in their portfolio as of June 30, 2020, received a profit of 0.0071 WMZ per note.

Surgutneftegas is one of the largest private vertically integrated oil companies in Russia bringing together research and design, exploration, drilling and production units, oil refining, gas processing and marketing subsidiaries. Invest in the SNGS.SER notes at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


Owners of GAZP.SER notes received dividends at INDX Exchange

The holders of notes of the GAZP.SER (Gazprom) instrument at INDX Exchange received dividends based on results of 2019. Traders with the GAZP.SER instrument in their portfolio as of June 26, 2020, received a profit of 0.0168 WMZ per note.

Gazprom is a global energy company focused on geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sales of gas, gas condensate and oil, sales of gas as a vehicle fuel, as well as generation and marketing of heat and electric power. Invest in the GAZP.SER notes at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.


Owners of MSNG.SER notes received dividends at INDX Exchange

The holders of notes of the MSNG.SER (Mosenergo) instrument at INDX Exchange received dividends based on results of 2019. Traders with the MSNG.SER instrument in their portfolio as of June 24, 2020, received a profit of 0.0013 WMZ per note.

Mosenergo is the largest regional power generating company in the Russian Federation. Invest in the MSNG.SER notes at INDX Exchange and receive a stable income on the invested funds.
