The new guarantor is Hermes Guarantor Group LLP (registration number №02-18-39 from 04.07.2018 licensed as an Electronic Money Operator in the register of Payment Institutions of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
As of 04.09.2019, funds on K-wallets were automatically converted into WMK electronic currency issued in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan `On Payments and Payment Systems`. All obligations of the previous guarantor have been converted into obligations of the new guarantor in one to one ratio.
By using an extended agent network, Hermes Guarantor Group LLP will expand the availability of wallet top-up points using bank cards, cash and wallets of other electronic payment systems not only in the Republic of Kazakhstan but also in the neighbouring and distant foreign countries. In addition, will be introduced a new service for making payments to bank cards and other financial instruments and also will be added services for payments to local and foreign utility service providers, communication operators, for adding funds into social network accounts, for payment for website advertising, server rental and hosting.

Тags: WMK, Guarantor, Kazakhstan